Much like the rest of her persona and campaign, Hillary Clinton drew a total blank when asked about her “number one accomplishment”. Hillary was in her first live interview of her campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and totally whiffed the most important question.
What was her silly answer? Check the next page:
Her biggest accomplishment is staying out of jail…..
uuuugggghhhhhhh, Hillary rotten Clinton. We will tear her up in the General, oh I hope this prison Hag gets the nomination from the loony left.
How can you list something you don’t have!!!
because she has none
You are so right! Guess it’s all in how you look at it!! I stand corrected!!
Because she has none
Hahhahahhaha list one at all
there are none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sucking bill clintons peepee
cant list what doesnt exist
She hasn’t accomplished anything