Much like the rest of her persona and campaign, Hillary Clinton drew a total blank when asked about her “number one accomplishment”. Hillary was in her first live interview of her campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and totally whiffed the most important question.
What was her silly answer? Check the next page:
Killary For Prison 2016 or sooner !
her top accomplishments; Cant keep bill happy, killed 4 american heros in benghazi, supporting obama, and wanting to be president, for the second time. hell shes very qualified to be stupid!
Can anyone list her accomplishments?? And this would be a woman some people trust to be the Leader of the USA?
Sean Hannity has been asking Hillary supporters that call into his show for months to name even one accomplishment of Hillary Clinton. They hem and haw & then usually say they can’t think of something now & will think of something by the next time that they call in. Some have called in multiple times and still can’t name an accomplishment.
Most of her accomplishments were illegal and self serving.
What Accomplishment?
No one else can either. Hey wait, does traveling a million miles on 1st class commercial jet liners at the tax payers expense count?
That’s funny, no one else seems to be able to either.
She’s great at the duck and shuffle.