Much like the rest of her persona and campaign, Hillary Clinton drew a total blank when asked about her “number one accomplishment”. Hillary was in her first live interview of her campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and totally whiffed the most important question.
What was her silly answer? Check the next page:
Two zombies.
There aren’t any accoumplishments!
Her main accomplishments that I can see were not really accomplishments but reflection on her true character.She managed to get fired from Watergate for unscrupulous tactics,managed to help get our people in Benghazi murdered,and now,what’s the latest with her erasing e mails to cover her rotten butt?
This woman should not be in the government.
that FACE !!!! looks like she’s straining every muscle in her face to pretend ” look at me i’m a nice person ” —- soon as she walks away the real monster lurks
Accomplishments I forgot what that means! !!!Trump for president
Another lying moron who parroting fox news proves he’s moronic kochsucker. & the retards who are too stupid to know when they are being conned!
In TRUMP I TRUST for President 2016!!!!! 🙂
SHE HAS none to list
That is because she has none.