Hillary Clinton accidentally shed her warm, fuzzy grandmotherly façade at a recent town hall in New Hampshire when she told an attendee she was very rude, adding, “I won’t ever call on you.”
What she may not have known at the time was that that “rude” citizen was none other than Republican State Rep. Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien.
Not that that may have mattered, as Hillary has delightfully called the Republican Party her “enemy” in front of millions at a recent Democratic debate.
In this instance, it was likely the question that irked Mrs. Clinton, rather than the questioner, as Katherine Prudhome O’Brien was attempting to grill Clinton on Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who claimed she was raped by Bill Clinton in 1999.
See Breitbart’s report on the town hall on the next page:
Ask her about Vince Foster’s murder or the cocaine shipments to Arkansas from South and Central America when Bill was governor
The truth hurts
Instead she wants to talk about aliens.
ask her about how she was fired from the Nixon investigation for lying to Congress
What’s rude is having an open forum and dodging the questions that aren’t on script.
Doesn’t take questions any better than Trump mdoes she ?
WHY are they sitting there listening to her …must be promising free cell phones.
Yh kindly add me up