The sky is falling! Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton called for a repeal of the US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s so-called Cadillac tax.
That is a significant break from US President Barack Obama on his signature healthcare law.
But, it is not about the tax. It is about a bigger tax. More on Hillary’s change of heart on the next page:
Hillary’s campaign is quickly heading towards the rocks and she’s going to say whatever is politically expedient, whether it’s true or not, to try and salvage her sinking ship! I mean, she’s pulled Bill into the fray if for no other reason than he at least has a “personality” where she has absolutely none!!! – Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71
She is really losing it !! lol She was all for it before !!
To late hillary you think we are going to forget about Benghazi and emails? take you lies and go straight to prision
Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court have a problem listening to we the people. They fail to perform the duties of their office. Help us change that
Did she break gas>
No honor among thieves!!!!
Dumb and Dumber !!!
Go to your Senator and Representative and tell them what happened. Ask them to help you.
Done did that I even wrote them