The sky is falling! Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton called for a repeal of the US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s so-called Cadillac tax.
That is a significant break from US President Barack Obama on his signature healthcare law.
But, it is not about the tax. It is about a bigger tax. More on Hillary’s change of heart on the next page:
I seen a lizzard that would do a better job than either one of these.
SHE is one of it’s biggest supporters while they were passing it!!! She is just saying whatever it takes go fix her sagging poll numbers cause she knows the majority of American didn’t want that law in the first place.
I don’t believe this. Hillary would not go against Obama on any issue. She would not want to make him angry for if she did, he might come out and implicate her role in Benghazi cpver up and other criminal acts.
It’s a ruse.
Hillary flavor of the day. She will jump on anything to get a vote. How dumb does she think people are? Unfortunately people will vote for the pile of lies.
Little too LATE!!!!
I totally remember Benghazi and will never forget how this administration killed 4 men in cold blood. To Hell with Hellary. She is a witch and her broom stick is her do nothing weapon of choice. Not to mention her entire family runs the Chicago mob and her father is number 2 in organized crime there.
Can’t stand to look at either of them
They look like brother and sister.