Once again Hillary lives above the law, believing for her they are merely suggestions. Her newest place of violation is in New York, just outside their polling location, where she again snubbed the laws in order to campaign.
Reminiscent of her campaigning on the New York Subway where the rules were clearly posted, the Queen does not feel the law applies to her, and why should she, she never gets slapped with infraction, she never pays a penalty.
Reuters published a video of the Clinton’s posing for pictures inside their precinct and shaking hands of voters outside the door. Stickers and campaign signs were visible as well. This was an illegal act.
Read more about Hill and Bill breaking New York election laws on the next page.
Rules don’t apply to the Clintons
The only queen in the world at the moment is in England!!! She’s more like Hunchback of this totally screwed up country of ours!!! Bonnie Bruce Wood
Can you name one law that she follows? This question is much like the question: “Can you name one significant accomplishment of Hillary?”
The Monarchy is above the law. The law is for the common folk.
Never thought about the fact that those who are responsible for a people or nation will be held accountable by God. Will have to ponder that.
If I had a dollar for ever law Hillary has broken I’d be a multi-millionaire
When the$#%&!@*is somebody going to grow some stones and arrest her fucking ass
Exodus 18 would be a good example. Moses was the leader of the Israelites and followed God’s command. Our Representatives swear on the Bible to uphold integrity. They are in charge for the people. If they are responsible for say, a backroom deal that leads to America getting nuked, then God deals with them like he deals with leading a flock astray by pastors, priests, etc.
In Paul’s letters there is a better explanation of this, but right off hand, can’t remember which Book.
Cheryl Brooks Hendricks, here is another good verse.
Just like Bill did with no repercussions. When are the authorities going to arrest the Clinton’s and prosecute them? Any one else would already have been arrested, convicted and be spending time in PRISON!