Once again Hillary lives above the law, believing for her they are merely suggestions. Her newest place of violation is in New York, just outside their polling location, where she again snubbed the laws in order to campaign.
Reminiscent of her campaigning on the New York Subway where the rules were clearly posted, the Queen does not feel the law applies to her, and why should she, she never gets slapped with infraction, she never pays a penalty.
Reuters published a video of the Clinton’s posing for pictures inside their precinct and shaking hands of voters outside the door. Stickers and campaign signs were visible as well. This was an illegal act.
Read more about Hill and Bill breaking New York election laws on the next page.
No way ! Nothing will happen to her…is this really a surprise ?
“America First”
America register Republican and keep Voting for American made Donald J. Trump, bring all of your Family members, Friends and Neighbors with you to vote for Trump only.
She’s always Breaking the law! Thats what Criminals like her do!!
yep! She thinks she is going to be President. She has been in the WH so long, its her castle. Get out you law breaking snob lying killer, race divider.
Prison called The White House Roundup!
It’s not her first and it won’t be her last ,it’s clear that she and Obama are above the law, they have gone as far as telling you what their law is, and our congress are above the law because they refuse to obey the law and stop them
Clinton for prison 2016
Trump or bust baby. It’s a shame what Obama and Hillary has done to America. Look around white Americans are the minority. I really urge every true American to get out and vote. Trump all the way to the white house 2016
In bed with them!
whats new .thats what criminals do is anyone doing anything about it .no