Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to be like the commoners, took the subway in New York. Her lack of expertise at being common was first demonstrated in her inability to get her Metrocard to work at the turnstile.
Standing in the train, swathed on all sides with her protective detail, Hillary did not follow the MTA Rules of Conduct, which state that “the subway system is for transporting riders to their destinations”. She used her train ride to campaign, which is against the rules.
Trump called her stunt “pandering”, with the media clustered around her, taking photos and video of her shaking hands with the little people and posing for pictures.
Check out the video on page two and decide for yourself if Hillary is breaking the MTA Rules of no campaigning on the train.
just another day for Hilary.
didn’t Hill admit that she hadn’t driven a car since 1993? Wow – she certainly is one of us ain’t she?
Hillary laughs when she is asked about her email scandal because she knows that Lynch and Obama are taken care of and will not indict her. Corruption at its best huh?
she do not give dam about the law or you my god be with you
Surrounded by guys with guns.
Once upon a time we were the most loved and most respected nation on the entire planet, but those days are gone.
We have wrecked our economy, we have lost our values and we have fumbled away our future.
This article includes some weird facts, some fun facts, but also some very troubling facts.
If we are ever going to change course as a nation, we need to come to grips with just how far we have fallen.
This woman would do ‘anything’ for a vote!
Laws don’t pertain to her….she’s Killiary Clinton…how dare you to even suggest she stoop so low as to obey commoner laws!!!? The Nerve!!
you know what we do not need another clinton in the white house at all
Ha yeah ……cause the country was in such terrible shape and we were doing soooooo bad when the last Clinton was in office. Sheesh get a life!