Keeping the story straight is becoming more elusive for Hillary Clinton as she continues her web-weaving, telling one group of supporters one thing, while contradicting herself to the next group. Of recent, she has raged at a Greenpeace activist over this exchange reported by Truth and Action.
“Secretary Clinton, thank you for tackling climate change. Will you act on your words and reject fossil fuel money in the future in your campaign?”
Hillary raged, “I do not have…I have money from people who work for fossil fuel companies. I am so sick of the Sander’s campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it.”
Yet her deceptions are tripping her up, as she tries to remember who she told what to and when. As Truth and Action pointed out, “Hillary is queen of tale spinning and time after time gets caught with her proverbial pants down. This time, though it may seem to many a little white lie, goes to her credibility and explains why so many people do not trust her.”
This most recent deception, that of ‘not taking money from fossil fuels’ is as easy to debunk as accessing federal lobbying records, of which show that the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry.
Read the full accounting on the next page… Perhaps Hillary should read it as well, to help refresh her aging memory.
Think About This America!
Before Obama, there was virtually no visible presence of Islam in America.
All of a sudden, Islam is being taught in our schools and Colleges.
All of a sudden, we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools and businesses, BUT Americans are not supposed to pray or even make mention of God in Public.
All of a sudden, we must stop serving pork in public places and institutions.
All of a sudden, we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by America. (For God’s sake, they are IN America)
All of a sudden, we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who is under them.
All of a sudden, “Muslim Training Compounds” are popping up throughout the USA.
All of a sudden, Muslims are suing employers for being expected to do the jobs they’re hired to do.
All of a sudden, all of our aircraft carriers are being recalled “For Maintenance” by Obama rendering most of the Atlantic theatre unsupported.
All of a sudden, our troops are being withdrawn from the middle east.
All of a sudden, there is no money for “American poor”, Disabled Veterans, Jobless Americans, Hungry Americans, or Displaced Americans, but this Administration can come up with “Billions Of Dollars” for Obama’s refugee programs.
All of a sudden, Obama fills many sensitive “Federal Government Positions With Muslims”.
All of a sudden, there is an ongoing ammunition shortage in the USA.
All of a sudden, Americans are threatened by the Federal government for complaining about Muslims.
All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do is disarm American Citizens.
Now, why is it so important for Obama to disarm America? Why? Because a disarmed country is ripe for takeover by the Muslim Army that Obama keeps importing into the United States. Nikita Krueschev, the Russian Dictator who visited the USA in the 1950’s said the USA could never be occupied by any foreign army because of it’s “Citizen Army”. Obama knows this fact and is doing everything within his power to disarm our Citizen Army. If Obama can’t do it legally, he will abuse his “Power of Office” to attempt to take every gun from Americans because he knows he must do that to turn the USA over to Islam.
Obama won’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorist”, WHY?”.
Most Americans have Forgotten that Obama said he would “Change America” and disarming America was just one of his pledges before he was even voted in as POTUS.
Amendment II
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
BERNIE SANDERS: going to do you a favor. Go and find out which Big Oil she is getting the money from and have proof next time you want something on her.
She lies so much that she doesn’t even recognize the truth anymore. <3 <><
No one with a brain can believe her
ARREST Hillary now and prosecute her.
No big secret that 90% of what comes out of clintons mouth is…lies.
lie, lie lie…..
When you are a liar it is very difficult to remember what is factual and what is not. This has always been her problem.