Keeping the story straight is becoming more elusive for Hillary Clinton as she continues her web-weaving, telling one group of supporters one thing, while contradicting herself to the next group. Of recent, she has raged at a Greenpeace activist over this exchange reported by Truth and Action.
“Secretary Clinton, thank you for tackling climate change. Will you act on your words and reject fossil fuel money in the future in your campaign?”
Hillary raged, “I do not have…I have money from people who work for fossil fuel companies. I am so sick of the Sander’s campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it.”
Yet her deceptions are tripping her up, as she tries to remember who she told what to and when. As Truth and Action pointed out, “Hillary is queen of tale spinning and time after time gets caught with her proverbial pants down. This time, though it may seem to many a little white lie, goes to her credibility and explains why so many people do not trust her.”
This most recent deception, that of ‘not taking money from fossil fuels’ is as easy to debunk as accessing federal lobbying records, of which show that the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry.
Read the full accounting on the next page… Perhaps Hillary should read it as well, to help refresh her aging memory.
Hillary is a LIAR!!!!
Compulsive lying piece of stool!
I know she wouldn’t lie about anything
Bernie Sanders: Invited to The Vatican by The Pope’s aid, Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, to speak about a Moral Economy. Bernie’s 2014 income $200k
Hillary: 2014 income, IRS form 1040 – $27 million. Invited to hedge funds & private fundraisers. Has pacs, superpacs, known corporate shill. Went to Donald Trump’s wedding “as his friend” ($$$$$) #NotQualified for a moral economy, progressive, or liberal
Bernie Sanders: min. wage $15 hr. Hillary: $12 hr. = aim low, fail lower when obstructed by GOP. CA and NY agree with Bernie’s JUDGMENT. No single parent anywhere should get $12 by 2022. Period. The end.
Bernie: universal healthcare for ALL, as a right, not a privilege. Hillary: strengthen Obamacare, which serves some = aim low, fail even lower when obstructed by GOP
Bernie: all public colleges and universities tuition-free, paid for with a tax on wall street speculation. Hillary: no tuition-free higher ed. wants to “lower and refinance debt at lower rates” where broke families and teens still need to pay tuition. Barrier to entry = aim low, fail lower when obstructed
Bernie: make for-profit prisons illegal, abolish private prisons, demilitarize police. Hillary: accepted $130,000 in donations from prison lobbyists.
Bernie: bust up the biggest banks. Hillary: make it more expensive for banks to be very big. Everything else, OKAY!
Bernie: resurrect Glass-Steagall, separating commercial / investment banking. Hillary doesn’t think it’s necessary to go that far. After 70 years protecting Americans, Bill Clinton joined Republicans in repealing Glass-Steagall, then the 08′ recession and bank bailouts. Instead, Hillary wants to regulate shadow banking (offshore ‘shell accounts’ for much less impactful tax evaders) but no changes for the most impactful, recession-causing, market-crashing Citi, JPmorgan et. (punish small frys with offshore accounts but not banks. tax payers will bail them out!) aka “socialize the risk, privatize the profits” = aim low, fail lower when obstructed. Thanks Clinton’s!
Bernie: tax speculative trading on Wall Street. Hillary doesn’t think that’s necessary either. “knock it off you guys” handled it.
Bernie: credit rating agencies Moody’s, S&P, Fitch to be non-profit so they can’t lie with bogus ratings to win over Wall Street clients, like they did in the 07/08′ mortgage crisis. Hillary: GIVES paid speeches TO wall street and private equity firms for fundraising. $600,000 from Goldman Sachs in one year.
Bernie: Expand Social Security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security payroll tax. Hillary: nothing
Bernie: allow states to legalize marijuana and remove marijuana as a federally classified drug to help those affected most (minorities and ALL taxpayers paying for prisons). Hillary: put marijuana on a lower drug enforcement classification but doesn’t want it legalized = keep imprisoning blacks disproportionately. aim low, fail lower when obstructed
Bernie: progressive for 50 years. Hillary: “progressive” for 8 months (and it shows…)
Lying pos
She only knows how to lie.
Walking with your foot in your mouth must be really hard. Have to give the old bag that!
Google Hillary Clinton landing in Bosnia under sniper fire. What a liar. She only says what’s politically popular. Flip flop lies in order to obtain votes. I would never accept Hillary’s unethical, criminal, rhetoric. Revolution may be coming?
Of course Hillary Clinton is going to deny it, she will never tell the truth about anything. She is a traitor, murederer , liar , and thief!