America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Insanity. Does it matter. Obama and leaders bedore bim already has jihadists in our finest schools.learning bio weapons. Inventing new ones. In our military with rank. Can fly our jets with our nukes. Liberals will get thier way alright. This planet is done for. Jihadists will lite off a nuke. No question.
Glad I had my fun. No kids either thank god.
We dont fill the Feema camps and rid the world fast of this muslim insanity we are done for and its not gona be 10 years.
The apitomy of a politician. She’s making old Billy look like a boy scout.
This so called lady thinks we are all stupid and unable to think for our self’s. She also thinks she has you fooled in to believing she did not do anything wrong. She is laughing all the way to the bank, because she has gotten away with for so long.
Worthless. Bag. Of. Flesh.
Obama’s main agenda is to give the Islamists the land they once controlled but lost in 1924 and to help them establish their dream caliphate, or “Pan Islamic Arabic Union,” as it has been referred to by Islamist leaders recently. Obama knows that the main opposing forces of his evil plan will not come from the American people, because the majority of Americans are suffering from confusion, ignorance, and political correctness. Americans are also divided over trivial things and suffer from an absolute lack of leadership.
One might ask then, who dares to stand in the way of Barack Obama and his plan for the Islamic caliphate? The answer to that question will come as a shock to many.
Vladimir Putin of Russia is the number one opponent of Obama and his plan of an Islamic caliphate, but Putin is on his way out of the game. The second opposing force are the old guards and the monarchies of the Middle East, those whom we like to refer to as dictators. And despite the fact that they are all Sunni Muslims, they are not in favor of being tossed out of the game. But whether they like it or not, all of these types are on their way out too.
But the big one opposing force to Obama’s plan that will not go away any time soon, is IRAN.
Since Iran’s Muslims are made up of Shiite Muslims, they are a natural and historic enemy to any Sunni Islamic caliphate system, since they are very versed in the history of Islam. What the west chooses to ignore or even acknowledge is that any Sunni caliphate will swallow up the Shiite of Iran. Because of that threat, Iran needs nuclear weapons to protect themselves, if the caliphate comes to fruition, and Obama’s ambitious plans are realized.
In the event of the establishment of the Pan Islamic Sunni Arabic Union, or caliphate, Iran needs to have the ability to bring Armageddon before the caliphate then turns on them and having a nuclear weapon is a safety issue for Iran and a way to bring everyone down if necessary.
Do not get me wrong; Iran is not sitting quiet while all of that is taking place, but they have exerted tireless efforts to destroy Obama’s plans for an Islamic caliphate. Many strong and vicious efforts have been executed by the Iranians and on multiple fronts. But if Iran fails, and they are faced with a Sunni Islamic caliphate once again, Iran will be prepared to resist them with a nuclear weapon.
The negotiation with Iran started back in 2013, right after the Benghazi attack. It was a big hit that put a big stall in the Obama/Clinton Arab spring initiative, which is actually the Pan Islamic Arabic Union, or caliphate, in disguise.
Obama decided to negotiate with the Iranians after he got hit hard in Benghazi and Syria. Now, he wants to negotiate with the Iranians, asking that they delay their plans for a nuclear weapon for ten years. If after that time elapses and Iran feels the threat from the new caliphate is legitimate, then they will have the freedom to move forward with their nuclear plans.
But it was clear then, and still till today, that Iran is capable and will do whatever it takes to mess up Obama’s plans, so he decided to negotiate with them instead.
America found itself, once again, negotiating nuclear policy with a terrorist state. President Obama told us back in 2013 that we can all take a deep breath and that he was able to work a concession out of the Iranians and that they have issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons.
Most Americans aren’t aware that the foundation of Iran’s nuclear program was laid on March 5th, 1957 by the United States, under an Eisenhower program called “Atoms for Peace.” Iran established the Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) in 1967, which was a 5 megawatt nuclear research reactor, fueled by enriched uranium. In 1968, Iran signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and ratified it in 1970, making Iran’s nuclear program subject to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verification and accountability.
Following the 1979 Revolution, a majority of the international nuclear cooperation with Iran was cut off. With little hope of continuing the program on their own, they thought it best to save face and attempt to “shame” America and its nuclear technology, by condemning nuclear weapons. It was for this reason and this reason alone that the fatwa was issued. It had nothing to do with any humanitarian interests held deeply in the hearts of Iranian leaders; they are certainly more than amenable to any method that allows them to eliminate their enemies more efficiently, especially Israel.
This nuclear fatwa, used as a “tool of convenience,” becomes all the more clear when we look forward five years, to 1984. While still under the reign of the same Ayatollah that issued the “nuclear fatwa” a brief five years before, we see the destruction of a seemingly “non-existent” Iranian nuclear program by Iraqi forces. Clearly, the Iranians had continued their nuclear program, though the fatwa was in place, knowing it would be a very handy tool to use against their neighbors.
The next time we see any reference to the 1979 “nuclear fatwa” was in 2003. The IAEA issued a report in 2003, condemning the Iranian nuclear program, accusing it of once again trying to weaponize the technology. Still, Iran didn’t budge. It wasn’t until the U.S. threatened to get involved militarily (the full might and power of the U.S. military was on display right next door in Iraq under the leadership of President Bush) that the Iranians finally caved in and conceded. What did this concession look like? Well, as you might have guessed, they simply “reaffirmed” the old stand-by fatwa from 1979, condemning nuclear weapons and “promising” to play nice.
So, for the record, we have clear evidence (TWICE) that the Iranians have no intention of adhering to their own fatwa that ostensibly stops them from seeking nuclear weapons. So, we have to wonder, is Iran trying to drag the 1979 fatwa out again in 2015, hoping we’ll bite on it one more time? As for me, I prefer peace, but peace based on lies is no peace at all.
President Obama is obviously willing to do whatever it takes to build his legacy on reestablishing the Islamic state again after it had been demolished in 1924, and he is willing to throw the United States and Israel under the bus to accomplish his goals. He will accomplish it by using the colonization of the Muslim countries as an excuse for the terrorism and shame the West by our ugly history?!!! But European colonization didn’t create the terrorists; Islam and Mohammed birthed terrorism in order to spread a brutal and unforgiving ideology. Without European intervention, Muslims might be centuries further behind, way more than they are right now. Islam is a crippling force. Science wasn’t particularly important to them. European contact brought Muslim countries out of the Stone Age; the same Stone Age to which the Islamic jihad forces us all.
Can someone please tell president Obama that he was elected to serve America and the American people and NOT Islam or to be an amb$#%&!@*ador for the prophet Mohamed?
She is the one thats confused, she seems to think she has the people all fooled!!
She’s a criminal.
WHO IS CONFUSED?? She’s been lying for decades…and it’s beginning to catch up to her. SHE is confused if she thinks Americans will keep putting up with it!!
Not confused about emails ! confused by the amount of people who still supports you
agree with Ron Ski, she is a career liar