America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Confused as to why they haven’t hung you for treason
Sure she has a lie for everything.
Alot of people think if the deny the truth then its not true ….she lives like this. I call it …living in ‘ lala land’ .
I heard on the radio (bryan fisher) today that it may be that obama would pardon her.
Liberal elitist at what they do best .
Nope, your a criminal. Easy.
Sick of that ugly face,
Bengazi is all I can say
She did lie, she has lied and will continue to lie….I don’t want another 8 years of lies….sick of this. DOJ already found secured emails on her personal server…..the left can keep their liars!!!!!!!
Gramma , go home!