America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Like HELL we are and we haven’t forgotten Hillliary
She wants everyone to be confused. It’ll make her deception more believable.
Oh, we’re all so relieved that the FBI is going to look into HilLIARy’s email!! (sarc) Obama’s FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION IS GOING TO LOOK FOR ANY INSTANCES OF HILLIARY BREAKING THE LAW….like they did in Benghazi ….when it took them 3 WEEKS to get on the scene to investigate!? and of course, three investigations ALL found no wrong doing on HilLIARy’s part! Oh, we are all so relieved! (sarc again) This is not at the level of “It all depends on what is…IS” This is high treason…Rosenthal kinda high treason!
If you cannot fool them with intelligence baffle them with BULL S**T. A real example of Liberalism.
No we are not Killary, you are delusional.
Hillary for prison 2016
No Confusion here. She is a liar, a politician, a liar and it all falls into place, Jail time which will never happen so she keeps going forward and with all the undo$#%&!@*ented voters they poured into this country she will probably be your next Prez. Remember what you ask for ??? How do you like all that “change” you wanted???
Guess who will be laughing whenher butt goes to prison!!!!
I am not confused about the Clintons WAYS .. I never voted for BILL EITHER FOR PRESIDENT NEVER LIKED HIM and during his campaigning all JIS FAULTS WERE BROUGHT OUT AND NOT ONLY THAT WHAT ABOUT HIS GOVERNORSHIP ..
The only one who is confused is you Hillary, the American people will show you the door out of politics.