America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Hillary, we are not “Confused” by this Email Controversy, WE ARE OUTRAGED !!!!!!
NOT confused, just disgusted-tired of liars.
lie her way out again, not jail time she needs
i think you are the one confused
The truth confuses HIllary. So does honesty, integrity, kindness, good character, etc.
she can only hope!
lying old Cow
I don’t think so. You freaked out liar.
Sarah Palin is a lady!
Only confused is you,a lawyer confused over the federal law,ignorance isn’t an excuse you broke the law at least,if not treason so take a plea bargain otherwise you’ll get the max allowed under the law if we the people have to pay for a long drawn out trial that cost’s us millions,and if found guilty you’ll be forced to pay us back even if it comes out of Chelsea inheritance!!!