America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Not confused! You need to be in prison Hillary!
Actually, not so much.
I’m not!
she is a career liar
We are not confused, your a liar a criminal and your gonna get away with it.
And alot of brain dead people are gonna vote for you, I’m not confused.
You wish
She’s going down!
What’s to be confused about? She lied, four men died!
This woman is nothing but confused.
Confused ? No. We all know she is guilty of treason.