The Blaze reports Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended the Iowa State Fair escorted by former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin in Des Moines, Iowa. She gave the same explanation as always:
“I did what other secretaries of state have done,” Clinton said. “I was permitted to and used a personal email and, obviously in retrospect, given all the concerns that have been raised, it would have been probably smarter not to. But I never sent nor received any classified email, nothing marked ‘classified.’”
The inspector general for the intelligence community currently deemed 305 emails so far are now classified as “top secret.” Clinton’s campaign has said nothing was classified at the time it was sent.
The Washington Post challenged the Clinton defense, referring to predecessors Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as having had very limited email use.
“I think this will all sort itself out and in a way, it’s kind of a interesting insight into how the government operates,” Clinton said. “Because if I had not asked for my emails all to be made public, none of this would have been in the public arena. But I want people to know what we did, I’m proud of the four years I was secretary of state. So I know this is all just going to work itself out as we go forward.”
Read the entire story here.
Hillary is as confused as she believes America is.
Photo: Marc Nozell on Flickr
Really? Anything about me look confused……
What in the the hell do they mean by confused, We aren’t that stupid
not confused, know what she did. That’s how they want us confused. Wise up America!
no, Hillary Is !
I am confused. Why did it take you almost 3 years to comply with the Government reqeust for your server? Only with the FBI at your door do you comply. I am confused on how Vince foster floated into a park to commit suicide. Also a bit foggy on that whole Benghazi Muslim video outrage that lead to 4 Americans murdered. Why did YOU order we stand DOWN? You had that lie in your pocket, and it blew up on you. Not sure where that Video producer is , Hmm. Yep Confused. Why you are not in jail, and have idiots advocting you for President
Ya so many Lies its hard to keep track .
The truth is never confusing ..
Does this snake still have a security clearance??
NOT CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!
She is the one confused.