America, you do not know how to think or what to think. Thank goodness, Hillary is there to do it for you. The former Secretary of State prominently told all of us over Iowa Public Radio that she is trying to be transparent over her private email server.
“Look, I understand why people are confused about this, it’s a very confusing issue,” Clinton spouted, parroting her campaign’s talking points about the controversy. See more of Clinton’s clarity for America on the next page.
Really? Anything about me look confused……
What in the the hell do they mean by confused, We aren’t that stupid
not confused, know what she did. That’s how they want us confused. Wise up America!
no, Hillary Is !
I am confused. Why did it take you almost 3 years to comply with the Government reqeust for your server? Only with the FBI at your door do you comply. I am confused on how Vince foster floated into a park to commit suicide. Also a bit foggy on that whole Benghazi Muslim video outrage that lead to 4 Americans murdered. Why did YOU order we stand DOWN? You had that lie in your pocket, and it blew up on you. Not sure where that Video producer is , Hmm. Yep Confused. Why you are not in jail, and have idiots advocting you for President
Ya so many Lies its hard to keep track .
The truth is never confusing ..
Does this snake still have a security clearance??
NOT CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!
She is the one confused.