When you are running in a Democratic primary against a self-avowed socialist it can be difficult to outflank your opponent to his left, but Hillary Clinton sure is trying.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic-socialist — whatever that means — has long set the bar in American politics for far-left policies. Before the 2016 election, Sanders wasn’t even a member of the Democratic Party but officially joined so that he could run in the Democratic primary.
Since entering the race, Sanders has swung the party platform even further to the left than Obama did in 2008 and 2012. Sanders pushed candidates such as moderate — sometimes sensible — Vietnam War veteran, Jim Webb out of the party. Sanders’ position that basically everything should be “free” has excited millennials, many of whom strongly subscribe to an entitlement culture where wealth is something not to be earned, but something they are owed.
The one issue on which Senator Sanders is not to Clinton’s left is his stance on the Second Amendment. Sanders comes from a rural hunting state, generally supports gun rights, and opposes holding gun manufacturers liable for shooting deaths.
Hillary Clinton has pounced on the opportunity to “out-liberal” Sanders on an issue and has constantly and shrilly attacked Sanders on this issue. And on Monday, Clinton appears to have has stepped up her extremist position on the issue as she agreed with a fellow panelist who claimed “Americans are the terrorists” and gun manufacturers are responsible for these American terrorists. To read more and watch a video of Clinton agreeing with this statement continue on the next page:
Clinton is so full of b******t, it is a wonder she don’t slip and fall on her$#%&!@*every time she opens her mouth !!!
Terrorism is another word like racism that is used to control people. You take racism. At first it was that you did something bad to someone else because they were a different race. Then it became that you just thought you didn’t like people of a different race. Then you are racist simply because you are white. Then our flag became racist. Our Holidays became racist. Our traditions became racist. Our foods became racist. The way we did our hair became racist. Every belief that didn’t fit in with Liberals or Democrats became racist. The fact that we lived became racist. The founders of our country became racist. And if we disagreed with anything that was racist also. Well racism became nothing because there was nothing that was not racism. Now they have the word terrorism. At first it was people that attacked and killed other people. But the Muslims that do that are not terrorist and it is racism to think that they are. So terrorism has become Americans using their Constitutional right to have guns. Terrorism is not true terrorism anymore. It is a word used to help Democrats take away the constitutional rights from people. And if you do not want to give up your constitutional rights to have guns you are a terrorist and they probably want to make laws to punish you. So terrorism which was killing people now doesn’t refer to the people that kill people it only refers to people who have never killed anyone, never committed any crimes and have used our rights to bear arms. Our words have become nothing because they are being used so often for everything under the sun that they have already lost any meaning they ever had. The truth is Hillary doesn’t want us to have guns. She probably belongs to the UN that doesn’t want anyone in the world but them to have guns. They want a one world government that they control and nobody ever having any guns but them is very handy. That is probably the true reason why Obama and Hillary don’t want us to have guns. They are not doing this to save us. They are doing it for their own selfish purposes that probably hurt us more than anything it ever does to help us.
Pretty sure this label negates the possibility of being liable!
Guns aren’t the problem,… evil folks are!!!
What a total dumbass
I say she won’t be next US president.