When you are running in a Democratic primary against a self-avowed socialist it can be difficult to outflank your opponent to his left, but Hillary Clinton sure is trying.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic-socialist — whatever that means — has long set the bar in American politics for far-left policies. Before the 2016 election, Sanders wasn’t even a member of the Democratic Party but officially joined so that he could run in the Democratic primary.
Since entering the race, Sanders has swung the party platform even further to the left than Obama did in 2008 and 2012. Sanders pushed candidates such as moderate — sometimes sensible — Vietnam War veteran, Jim Webb out of the party. Sanders’ position that basically everything should be “free” has excited millennials, many of whom strongly subscribe to an entitlement culture where wealth is something not to be earned, but something they are owed.
The one issue on which Senator Sanders is not to Clinton’s left is his stance on the Second Amendment. Sanders comes from a rural hunting state, generally supports gun rights, and opposes holding gun manufacturers liable for shooting deaths.
Hillary Clinton has pounced on the opportunity to “out-liberal” Sanders on an issue and has constantly and shrilly attacked Sanders on this issue. And on Monday, Clinton appears to have has stepped up her extremist position on the issue as she agreed with a fellow panelist who claimed “Americans are the terrorists” and gun manufacturers are responsible for these American terrorists. To read more and watch a video of Clinton agreeing with this statement continue on the next page:
To quote Hassan Hakani “I will always speak the real truth of Islam, become a muslim or die it’s as simple as that. We will try to kill you all you will try to stop us and there will be one winner left standing. There is no such thing as moderate Muslims there are only f**e ones with no balls. The real Muslims convert or kill. We will have our own caliphate soon enough and when we are done with the Middle East we will march on Europe. Do you know how many fighters we sent into Europe with the “refuges” it has Allready begun so prepare yourself for war.”
Watch As Islamic Cleric Says: “We want to invade America and the Christians will die”
Richard Anthony 12/02/2015
Muslims who are following Mu-ham-mad are terrorists??????????????????
How one can become a true Muslim? – 20 Commandments of Muhammad the founder of Islam in Quran:
1. Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Quran 65:4
2. have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Quran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Quran 4:34
4. have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Quran 24:13
5. Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Quran 33:57
6. Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
7. Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Quran 9:111
8. Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Quran 2:217, 4:89
9. Behead non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
10. Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Quran 9:5
11. Terrorize non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 8:60
12. Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Quran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Lie to Strengthen Islam. Quran 3:28, 16:106
14. Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Quran 2:216
15. Not take non-Muslims as friends. Quran 5:51
16. Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Quran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Quran 98:6
18. Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Quran 4:101
19. Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Quran 9:29
20. Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Quran 9:29.
Murder, kidnapping, rape, SLAVERY, pedophilia BOTH little girls and little boys, robbery, theft of property, TERRORISM,$#%&!@* female genital mutilation, physical assault on the streets, religious persecution and wife beating are just some of the satanic parts of sharia. (islimeic law) It is mandated in the Quran and re stated / enforced by todays muslime clerics. If you or anyone else don’t like it, well then you and anybody else must be beheaded. Look it up. Research what their fearless leaders proclaim.
Still have any doubts regarding these barbaric throw-backs to the Dark Ages ? Once Muslims get a foothold any where and have sufficient numbers to do so, THAT’S when “Jihad” begins. They will never stop….they will never quit…and it doesn’t matter how many of them are killed, once Jihad begins, there is only victory, or death. At least the Islamic “scholar” in the video is being honest, he says flat-out what Muslims want and WILL do, if they can conquer America. Sharia, is the most barbaric form of “law” on the planet today. Not only does it allow the killing of the “non-believers”, it allows rape and every other form of violent and deviant behavior known to modern mankind.
It isn’t “Islamophobia” if they really are trying to KILL YOU and want to RAPE your wives and children ! Where are the Christian , Jewish, Buddist or Hindu Terror groups ? There are well over 50 muslime terror groups.
The drugs Hillary did in college turned her into a jellyroll.
I wonder what it was that turned her into one
Let me say it again…Hillary should be in prison not the White House. She is a lying, low life piece of c**p.
Under Democrat and Obama, there are so many law. Law that normal citizen cannot understand. Such law create more government jobs who recieve $20 pay/h for their work worth $0.99 cent That is how Democrat create more jobs … Democrat and Obama tend to abuse power, disregard the opposition, tend to think American need more education/more instruction because they think American are stupid and too much freedom …. Democrat tends to become “the adaptive communism” under the name socialism … they tend to control and interfere everything (sooner or later): American Mind, life, education, travel, defense, health, business, .. Look at how communist organize their society you will understand the dangerous mind of the Extreme Democrat Party and Obama ….
We need to use Democrat Party to guard against the extreme Republican; however, we need to stop Democrat to become the adaptive communist.
With all do respect (none) doesn’t anybody assinate “bad leaders” anymore?
So she is surrounded and protected by Terrorists?
DUMB$#%&!@*gun Manufacturers are what keeps America FREE . anyone who votes for her should be thrown out of country,