David Duke was trotted out to make Trump look bad becasue he encouraged people to vote for Donald Trump.
David Duke also likes white bread. So if you eat a sub with white bread, you are a racist and a David Duke wingman.
In fact, David Duke is only relevant because he has left wing stalkers furiously trying to prop him up, get a quote out of him on something current and then they have a tantrum over it.
He is the left wing’s most desperate straw-man act today.
If the left can’t play the race card, than 70% of their press would not exist.
Don’t like President Obama’s policies? You’re racist.
Don’t believe in a color coded quota system for employment? You’re racist.
Don’t support slave reparations? You’re racist.
Want to have secure borders? You’re racist.
Please see the next page for the biggest race baiting fail ever.
Has anyone ever noticed that if somebody accuses somebody of being something that person that does the accusing is usually the very thing they accuse somebody else of being… So what am I saying? these two on MSNBC are the racist not Donald Trump…
Richard Stansfield if you really want Trump you should check this out. #makedonalddrumphagain if nothing else you’ll get a good laugh.
You funny…
MSNBC trools
She is the worst one
Thinking Americans are immune to that b******t. The fact that it worked for 30 or 40 years doesn’t mean it’s going to work forever. Maybe it’s time that liberals started dealing in facts, history, economic reality, real-world$#%&!@* instead of PC b******t.
What is a “Confederate type?”. Got to love those ignorant news people.
********* A T T E N T I O N ********** NEW NUMBERS TO CALL,…. WE BLEW UP THE RNC’S NUMBER SO NOW WE NEED TO TELL THEM DIRECTLY,….. Let the “WASHINGTON ELITE” know that u Will NOT vote for anyone but “TRUMP” Tell THEIR Secretary’s personally NO ONE BUT TRUMP! Share and let’s light up their switchboard, and flood their message machine’s AGAIN !! #Trump2016 We The People American Citizens are Taking Back our Country !!! EVEN IF WE HAVE TO GO 3rd PARTY INDEPENDENT WITH #TRUMP2016 OK, HERE ARE THE REPUBLICAN LEADERS (LOL) OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE, SO LETS TRY BLOWING THESE NUMBERS UP FOR A WHILE,…. President Pro Tempore Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT) 202-224-5251, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 202-224-2541, Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) 202-224-2934, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) 202-225-3031, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) 202-225-2915, Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) 202-225-3015,
The spin doctors are out in force. But they look the other way when people go out and votes multiple times in Texas. Hmmm And thats why Teddy won. Hmmm But the Main stream media wount report it…….
TRUMP not a racist.