Here is a common question: What happens when 15 illegal aliens are crammed into an SUV and the driver runs away at high speed when police try to pull him over for a minor traffic violation? For details of the subsequent wreck and carnage that followed the pursuit, please go to the next page:
Obama Obama Obama.. Look what you’ve done.. Where are your tears for the six???
SUV’s fault. We need to ban them instead of secure our boarders. I mean, persecute anyone saying it’s SUV’s, I mean illegals, I mean immigrants, I mean illegal immigrating SUV’s ??
I never like to see good folks hurt, illegal or not, (Good being the operative word) , but had they not been doing an illegal act, well,….
This is worth buying a blue light over
Take them out and shoot them
Lock down the Border !
Obama.. Look what you’ve done.. Where are your tears for the six???
Six less we have to keep
That’s what I say everytime I see a European get killed. Go back to your land and stop trashing ours. Natives belong here your the illigals don’t forget that:) -yachui