Here is a common question: What happens when 15 illegal aliens are crammed into an SUV and the driver runs away at high speed when police try to pull him over for a minor traffic violation? For details of the subsequent wreck and carnage that followed the pursuit, please go to the next page:
It’s a start
( COPIED) Breitbart Texas has reported in the past on similar cases near the Texas border where human smugglers pack SUV’s and vans with illegal immigrants and try to circumvent U.S. Border Patrol checkpoints.
They get invited to the White House?
Ridiculous, somethings gotta give
They should all try staying in their own country and working to make it a great country, instead of all running away, like rats , leaving a sinking ship
They didnt belong here and any illegal crossing the border should be shot any illegal aliens or the spawn of illegals should be deported and if they try to cross back over they need to be shot.
this is what happens when you brake the law.
There is one way we should handle this, take the others back to the border and set them free, hope they come back and try it again and then we prosecute them. If our country would take these things seriously, we would not be in the mess we are into with the Mexican people. A blank brain, a blank check, and a blank state of affairs is the reason for this blankety blankety mess we are in. A secure wall and then a fine for every business that employees illegals. A one chance for freedom from this country is at the heart of this mess and business’ are causing the problems. Too cheap to pay the right wage for work that these people do for close to nothing. Our GIMMEE free state of affairs is in trouble and medical debts are exploding as we have to treat them even when they have no address or SS cards. This is not a Texas problem or California or any one state, it is a country wide problem
Just Cause Theyre Illegal Dosent Mean They Deserve To Die….C’mon Bud Bussard Dont Sound To Native American To Me.