Here is a common question: What happens when 15 illegal aliens are crammed into an SUV and the driver runs away at high speed when police try to pull him over for a minor traffic violation? For details of the subsequent wreck and carnage that followed the pursuit, please go to the next page:
Did any illegals die? Hopefully.
Six less the tax payer has to support.
If this is the pic of the vehicle its not a van but an SUV. So it’s safe to say kick out illegals and this is why they do not need to drive in our country.
Oh darn
Can the van be saved
therr are illegals here that fled violent harm themselves who brought multiple children into this world who became marines and is deporting a 60 something lady who committed no crime while her son is in iraq okay? or what about those who come in legally as children and get into trouble living in a poor area and go to prison for 17 years get their citizenship taken away and faithfully report every month to get a work permit becausr they now have a wife and kids and want to live a good crime free life yet has to wait almost a year to get a work permit?? car accidents happen. not just stupid illegals killing people. thetes alot of stupid americans killing americans..
the problem we have here is that administration is not doing their job. they should assign social workers to help and do research to keep tabs on these people so they can see who should stay and who should go
Build th wall ASAP
Gods way of deporting illegals alians. All of a sudden Trumps way seems a little better
Problem is plenty of illegals that are driving take innocents with them. This is not a new problem I spent years stationed in California and this was a weekly occurrence…..