At Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, earlier last year a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the entire student body in an Arabic version of our Pledge of Allegiance, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
Principal Tom Lopez has come under fire for ´pushing an Islamic agenda´, which he denies, stating the move was to “destroy the barriers, embrace the cultures” that exist within the school.
What a slap in God’s Face in doing this….”You shall have no other gods before me. I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob…not of Mohammad….
What has happened to these people? How can they willingly say the Pledge to Allah? Don’t they have common sense? This is very disturbing.
so sad america knows better allah is not a god people
So pathetic. People are compelled to do so.
Considering Allah is actually a Pagan diety that Islam trys to pass off as god not to mention claiming Jesus was a Muslim. Little do people know the Quran was written in 700AD, 700 years after Jesus cruxifiction. Old testimate times Allah was and is a Pagan diety. Mohammad was a false profit sent and controlled by Lucifer, Allah is actually Lucifer himself.
For those who don’t know Lucifer is Satan aka the Devil.
Take over the country without firing a shot and brain washing our children