At Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, earlier last year a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the entire student body in an Arabic version of our Pledge of Allegiance, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
Principal Tom Lopez has come under fire for ´pushing an Islamic agenda´, which he denies, stating the move was to “destroy the barriers, embrace the cultures” that exist within the school.
A slap in the face to all us ‘true Americans’.
Allah and YHVH are not the same god
Why not pledge to the real living God. making decisions based on fear is not freedom. Don’t appease them, you’ll only end up paying extortion fees to them, or be beheaded.
brainwashing of our youth, let’s get rid of the evil muslim in the whitehouse
This is our education
Are these kids that clueless to do this? And what about the older people i see in the crowd? They are going along with this??? OH HELL NO!
This is wrong. My child would be out of that school immediately.
Lopez should hang