At Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, earlier last year a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the entire student body in an Arabic version of our Pledge of Allegiance, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
Principal Tom Lopez has come under fire for ´pushing an Islamic agenda´, which he denies, stating the move was to “destroy the barriers, embrace the cultures” that exist within the school.
What an insult.
Doesn’t the idiot principle not understand the Muslims are here to take over and kill all Americans sooner or later. Not only that they want Sheri law
There are no words that could express how sad this makes me as an American.
They have to adapt,,, we don’t,, This is America,, Don’t like it get out!!
We live under God, Not Allah. Ask them why they are here if they love Allah. Then let them go back where they came from.
Fire principal and school staff
“” has to be more responsible in their reporting! Shame on them!
Saying the pledge of allegiance in other languages is fine when taking another language course in school- changing the words to accommodate another culture is disrespectful to say the least.
Seriously? In Arabic GOD is translated to ALLAH. In Arabic, ALLAH means GOD. Do you REALIZE HOW IGNORANT YOU ARE?!!! The etymology of the English word “GOD” comes from a tree they used to make idols out of. In fact, HIS sacred name (since he was never created and needs no name) is that HE IS. Just freakin brilliant. Stop leading good people astray on missions of bigotry, fear, and hate! AND I’M A CHRISTIAN!
The Principal should be fired. Our schools do not exist to embrace cultures to destroy barriers, etc. Schools exist that students may learn to read, write, and do math, Most importantly, that they learn music and a sport. Of final importance, to assimilate students who have come from other countries to our way or doing things. If they do not wish to assimilate then they have a big job, and that is to return to their own country.