High school students at Hillsboro, Mo., walked out on Monday in protest of a transsexual and former gay male from using the girl’s locker room.
School officials gave “Lila” permission to have full access to all facilities intented for females.
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Transgender has only to do with SEXUAL DESIRES, and Nothing to do with procreation of the Human Race, and nor can it. Good for the Student Protesters not falling for this nonsense, pushed upon them by Un elected Judges with no Power to create positive Law.
Must have Three restrooms: Transgender: Women: Men: A Must!
Simple. Provide a unisex facility to those who can’t decide.
If you don’t have a flower you’re in the wrong shower
Keep the cheap thrill-seeker OUT of the girl’s rest-rooms and locker rooms!
f u.
Right back at you! I can see what kind of shallow man YOU are!
Joe Holloway, Are you a Transgender or $#%&!@*sexual? If so, please explain why a Boy with wig and a skirt has more Rights than Real Girls, to be subjected to perversion?
He needs to use the boy’s bathroom!!
Listeen here dude, I am NOT God and Nither are YOU so STFU and don’t worry your pretty litle head about a thing.