High school students at Hillsboro, Mo., walked out on Monday in protest of a transsexual and former gay male from using the girl’s locker room.
School officials gave “Lila” permission to have full access to all facilities intented for females.
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Good lord! More from the trans folks. Leave em alone and they’ll die!
A civil war is coming
Ummmm hell to the no…enough is enough… If your a boy go in the boys room if your a girl the girls room… Transgender all you want outside at home
Dress how you want I do not care but sharing locker rooms and bathrooms is opening a door for trouble
Ha ha they are not fooled
Get a clue Caitlin j
I can’t believe that’s so much hate. What do you tell the parents of a child born as hermaphrodite?? Children born with both sexual organs?? Once upon a time, parents had to decide what sex the child would be and then the surgery was performed. Their gender was chosen FOR them. So that child grows up and realizes they are the opposite gender, so I guess the parents chose wrong and now, as an adult, this HUMAN BEING is criticized and judged.
We didn’t have this problem 40 – 50 yrs ago. they just want to be different and make everyone else miserable. God said no before the flood of Noah and HE says no now. and I would not want to be in their shoes because HE is coming back.
Maybe years from now we will hear his confession that it was just his way of getting into the girlls’ bathroom.
So I’m really confused. I kept hearing him say “her” and “she” but they just kept showing a guy in a wig. Maybe they just wrote it wrong. Should really have someone look over the story before you embarr$#%&!@* yourself by repeatedly referring to a male as a female.