High school students at Hillsboro, Mo., walked out on Monday in protest of a transsexual and former gay male from using the girl’s locker room.
School officials gave “Lila” permission to have full access to all facilities intented for females.
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Violation in civil rights and privacy rights of students. Transgender is a lie . No male ever can be a women And Vic versa. It’s a medical ruse.
No they are still males. You can’t change chromosomes
Send the little $#%&!@* home !
Put a picture on the doors of the restrooms-dressingrooms if you have one of these you go in here if you have this one you go in here
Logically that is true however I believe the strategy is to confuse genders here that’s the manifesto to demean humans beings
Make a separate locker room for them.
Had enough yet
DNA everyone in the locker room. The results will be all girls except the one boy. The end.
And that is very much the mindset that has gotten this country where it is today…
If it can pee standing at a urinal, it’s a boy.