High school students at Hillsboro, Mo., walked out on Monday in protest of a transsexual and former gay male from using the girl’s locker room.
School officials gave “Lila” permission to have full access to all facilities intented for females.
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Fix Trasgenders a bathroom & school all their own. Problem solved … Parents stand up to protect your child no matter how old or young they are!
Where are the parents! Stand up and let them know you will not put up with these idiots, and we will not stop until something is done– we are paying for this mess!!!
The majority has spoken… How much linger will that fact go ignored?
I think she’s a guy doing a little pretending stay out of the girls locker room
f the facts 🙂
who ceres.
keep praying.
Yhe…… y Blah blah bla
For cancer pationts
F U Mark.