High school students at Hillsboro, Mo., walked out on Monday in protest of a transsexual and former gay male from using the girl’s locker room.
School officials gave “Lila” permission to have full access to all facilities intented for females.
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really just wow
Theres an idea.
Perverts in the school system, should be locked up for their stupidity.
that is actually a genius way to get into the girls locker room lol I wish I would have thought of that in high school
I’m not making fun of anyone when I say this or judging believe me that’s not how I am butThey have a boys room and a girls so make a room for transgender everyone has there privacy that’s what separate bathrooms are all about anyway
this is actually a genius way to get into the girls locker room. I wish I would have thought of that in high school!
WHY THE WIG???????????????