Two High school football players have been suspended indefinitely for blindsiding a referee during a game last Friday night. For those of you who haven’t seen the video, shortly after the play began linebacker Victor Rojas hit the referee from behind, knocking him to the ground, where linebacker Michael Moreno hit him again, blindsiding him for the second time.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
They need to be arrested!!
Juan people like you are what’s wrong with this country! They should be arrested!
NO, NO, NO WILL BE CHARGED, SCREW THIS PC C**P. They could of killed him.
Mike Brurunning, are you trying to be funny? You know good and well that referees are not “fair game.” Those kids deserve jail time.
Man! My back would be REALLY messed up after that. Whiplash and all that stuff.
Their claim of racial remarks from the referee is a lie designed to excuse their street thug like $#%&!@*ault. These thugs need to see some prison time and same thing for their coach who encouraged it.
They should never be allowed to play ever and should be expelled from school and charged with $#%&!@*ault
More like these two are done playing organized football in the good Ole U S of A maybe they can go play overseas but wait that’s not football that’s rugby or maybe they will be lifers at taco bell or mickey Ds Flippin burgers
That is the most ignorant statement I have heard in a long time. I hope you are not raising any kids whit that stupid at$#%&!@*ude of yours.
Florida State will recruit them…..