Two High school football players have been suspended indefinitely for blindsiding a referee during a game last Friday night. For those of you who haven’t seen the video, shortly after the play began linebacker Victor Rojas hit the referee from behind, knocking him to the ground, where linebacker Michael Moreno hit him again, blindsiding him for the second time.
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Stupid kids!
how about battery instead?
I can see at least one is black… why isn’t the news covering this?
Those little punks need to be taught a lesson. If they are disrespecting authority figures at that age and it goes unchecked…they’ll wind up voting Democrat their whole lives…
That is not kids being kids…it’s not like they threw a snowball…
As they should be.
Apparently you didn’t watch the video or your blind. Kids don’t play varsity football.
They had a losing streak as it was.lool at their prior records..
These are thugs filthy $#%&!@* B.S.