Two High school football players have been suspended indefinitely for blindsiding a referee during a game last Friday night. For those of you who haven’t seen the video, shortly after the play began linebacker Victor Rojas hit the referee from behind, knocking him to the ground, where linebacker Michael Moreno hit him again, blindsiding him for the second time.
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Charge them! Premeditated
Yeah Rite He Has Actions and The 2 Thugs Just Have Their Word
This is a big black eye for that schools program. Shame kids today ate raised to think this is ok. But then again look at everything on Facebook and news they see people getting away with. Then instantly try to turn it to race as excuse
Dey deserve what dey get
Should be charged, not could be.
Should be. NOT could be
Retarded orangutans. What else could you expect??
Kids just being kids, $#%&!@* weak referee shouldn’t have been in the way, if your in the field expect to get Knocked the f out
Not $#%&!@*ault at all. Just a late hit . Football is a violent game .