Coach Joe Kennedy leads by example. Since 2oo8, after each game, he heads to the 50 yard line and says a quick prayer for the school and the football players. Initially it was only him, spending a few moment alone in prayer, but over the years students have joined him in his ritual.
But now, he has been fired for what the school district sees as violation of school district policy.
Coach Kennedy see this as a violation of his Constitutionally protected right to pray and has decided to demonstrate to his students how to stand up for what they believe.
Find out how Coach Kennedy is fighting back on page two.
God is kicked from the schools by the co-opted shills of satan, the Devil’s Nine, the Supreme Court, and the schools, the judiciary, the system is corrupt and rotten to the core, and Christian teachers will be removed.
We have to fight. As Joe Kennedy, the Washington coach, is fighting for his soul, we must fight for our souls. Such that we would not turn away from God, to regard, to worship gods, to worship idols!
From heaven, from the Garden of Eden, we see the devil’s goal, the basis for every lie he tells, and it is written, the devil wishes to be considered before God, that the devil wishes to rise above God to be worshiped as God.
Consider the Race Cards, the names the devil screams at those who will not do what he wants, the devil’s fiery darts, the Label of Accusation, the demands for payment, for worship, for slavery, for IDOLATRY!
IDOLATRY is what ails America.
The devil screams that you owe, that you must pay, that you must worship, as gods, as idols, the devil, and his servants, and the devil’s conjured gods of Political Correctness who are the devil!
Lest they be offended.
Madelyn Murray O’Hare was offended by prayer in the school, and she lied and said her son was offended by prayer in school. The Supreme Court decided that Madalyn Murray O’Hare must not be offended!
That we must offend God!
Forget the commandments, and the Great Commission! Get that Bible out of here!
Madalyn Murray O’Hare will be considered before God Almighty! Madalyn Murray O’Hare will be the god we must worship!
The Supreme Court, the Devil’s Nine, the co-opted shills of satan, and all the Judiciary, and the devil’s mafia, the ACLUAtheists, screaming they must be regarded before God, that they must be worshiped as idols before God Almighty, and as God gives His third commandment, that you will revere even the name of God, these scream that you must not even say God’s name!
And that you must not even pray to God!
Lest they be offended!
And do the servants of satan follow Christians about now? Peering closely at them? And suddenly screaming “You are praying! Admit it! You are praying, aren’t you! Stop that! You are offending ME! I am your god! Worship MEEEEEE!”
And for the trinkets and beads, for the networking success, for the Great Blessings. Or for the scraps from the rich man’s table. Or to avoid the stripes, to avoid the persecution that Jesus promised, for these, would the coach turn? Would he worship the idols who scream at him?
As the befuddled Liberals are fond of saying,
“What would Jesus do?”
Or better yet, what did Jesus do?
Before Being Killed, Children Told ISIS: ‘No, We Love Jesus’
Christian children were told by ISIS militants to convert to Islam or be killed. Their response? “No, We Love Yeshua (Jesus).”
Dan Chandler
I don’t know. Is it so tough on the coach that he must buckle before idols, and turn to them, so he will go to hell with them?
Dan Chandler
The coach fights for all of us! And he fights for his soul and ours!
The devil screams that you owe, that you must pay, that you must worship, as gods, as idols, the devil, and his servants, and the devil’s conjured gods of Political Correctness, who are the devil.
Who else made the Judiciary, and the Supreme Court, the ACLU/Atheists, lthe liberal servants of satan, who else made them gods who clamor that you must put them before God, as gods, as idols that you must put them before God, that you must worship!
So that you will go to hell with them.
Dan Chandler
From heaven, from the Garden of Eden, the devil wished to be regarded before God. All the devil does is to accomplish his goal, and the devil’s goal is IDOLATRY.
And it is the sin for which Jesus will return. For those who worship, for those who are worshiped, for those who turn away from God and turn to idols.
“You don’t want to talk about God, and Jesus, or the devil?
“God and Jesus, They don’t want to talk about you.”
Dan T. Chandler, Copyright2015, ARR
Shame on them!
He can pray if he wants he just can not force anyone else to pray. Looks like the majority, including fans in the stands, want to pray.
not one man shall be judged over his religious views! point blank
War on Christians he should sue.
It’s not just a shame…it is Satanic.
This ridiculous freedom of religion we’ve always prayed at the game also if a player on either side was injured.
Leave that the coach alone. You go coach and pray as our prayers are with you.
If I was the team I would refuse to play
Don Castleberry