Coach Joe Kennedy leads by example. Since 2oo8, after each game, he heads to the 50 yard line and says a quick prayer for the school and the football players. Initially it was only him, spending a few moment alone in prayer, but over the years students have joined him in his ritual.
But now, he has been fired for what the school district sees as violation of school district policy.
Coach Kennedy see this as a violation of his Constitutionally protected right to pray and has decided to demonstrate to his students how to stand up for what they believe.
Find out how Coach Kennedy is fighting back on page two.
What about an aloha snack bar, you jihadist in disguise, OBAMA hussein?
The worst coaching in history folks.
Well ur not surpose to have any problems with pray tats wat some people say but of course their r as we know tat there is n people get fired nalot of other very bad stuff happen may we all return back to God n ask for forgiveness n his will n r life may God Teach us his way
He will sue and win every football coaches pray period it broke his oath if islam relgion is allowed to ban liq from truck drivers same should go for this coach period
Those that are responsible for this problem are the root… you have to go to the root to kill the weed. Protest Protest Protest !!! until it gets turned around !
So wrong!
How pathetic.
Every parent needs to think about takeing there children out of that school.
This is the United States of America! The Muslims can pray when ever and where ever they want! We can’t have prayer in our schools! Crazy!!
Right! That’s what “freedom OF religion” means.