The allegations of racism against Donald Trump have reached a cacophony on the left among Trump’s most ardent protesters. They hate his plainspoken manner and his willingness to confront illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is the electoral plan for the left around the world.
In Europe they disguise compassion for what is really the importation of future votes. By promising a welfare lifestyle to migrants, the left can literally bribe its way into office year after year.
The United States will be no exception. By waving over millions of illegals from our southern border, the left is calculation that they can maintain that population as a voting bloc.
Donald Trump’s plan for border security is the single biggest threat to the left’s power in our lifetimes. They will throw anything at him in desperation to stop border security.
Enter Peter Ticktin, a long-time friend of Donald Trump. He lays out his case for The Donald on the next page.
Yeah this is winning lol
I don’t let kids cloud my social decisions…
What did Barry Sotoro’s class mates say about him?
I wonder what evil Donald Trump did before he was born?????
This guy is a very esteemed attorney….stop hating you moron
Jason Jackman OBama had 8years to solve gun control with Sandy Hook….. it he didn’t….he could have solved DACA but he didn’t…..he could have done tax reform…. but he didn’t… he gave millions of dollars to Iran in the middle of the night and he bowed in respect to every Muslim leader in the world…..he went on a ton of vacations and not the working kind….he smiled and conned many people in this country….all this while having turned in his law license before they took it from him…same story for his wife….she had to turn hers in too… have. NO open mind so you will remain in the dark until it is too late
sorry but racism comes from both sides and mainly the racist themselves…they feed this daily to make it grow and grow to a monster than blame Trump for it all…that is BS…the dems keep digging for something to bring Trump down so they can continue on with their agenda !
Watching the chorus of whiners, decriers, denigrators, and self-righteous put-down experts from so many directions, from Mit Romney, to Megyn Kelly, Little Marco, it has to make you wonder. Why? Why are so many people so angry with Donald Trump, that they are lying, name calling, ridiculing, and demeaning him as they do. Either they are afraid, or they know him to be evil.
This is why I feel the need to speak out at this time. I know this man. He is a lot of things, but he is not evil. He is a decent honest guy who loves this country, and who is willing to sacrifice so much of what is left of his life, because he knows that this country needs to be fixed, and that it is going to require someone who can do the job. He just doesn’t see anything around him other than political hacks, so he is willing to take this huge responsibility.
I’m not saying that he is the only one who can do the job. My point is simply as to his motivation and his goodness.
This next decade is going to be one of major changes. We all see the climate changing, and the world food supply is getting lower. Our fish stock around the world is running low. Oil prices will cause countries to fail. The Middle East is beyond repair, and we have become weak and ineffective around the world. Donald Trump sees the issues and knows that he can assemble leaders who would have the best chance of fixing things. This is why he is running. He does not need it for his own aggrandizement. He doesn’t need another big jet or to take up residence in the White House. He just wants things to be fixed, and he knows that the politicians won’t fix anything.
Can’t find any!!!