Woodruff High School students in Woodruff, SC were forced to remove American flags from their vehicles this past September 11th.
The school principal, Aaron Fulmer, confiscated the flags stating it was against their policy to “draw attention” to one’s vehicle.
Since when is our nation’s flag too obnoxious?
Woodruff, S.C. –7 On Your Side was contacted by several upset parents who say Woodruff High School students were made to take down American flags from their vehicles on September 11.
Spartanburg District 4 Superintendent Rallie Liston said four students arrived at the school Thursday morning with U.S. flags propped up on poles in their pickup truck beds.
The school’s principal, Aaron Fulmer, confiscated the flags because he said it is against district policy to “draw attention” to one’s vehicle.
The flags were returned to the students at the end of the day.
The students were not punished.
Fulmer tells us officials are meeting with student council next week to look into a possible policy revision.
Parents have contacted us to let us know about a protest that is being planned in response to the flag removal. It is set for Monday morning.
A post on Facebook reads, “PLEASE COME OUT MONDAY MORNING AMD STAND UP FOR OUR STUDENTS RIGHTS AND OUR RIGHTS! 7:50 a.m. Sidewalk in front of high school. Bring an American flag with you!!”
For safety
this is our country and we need to be proud of it and show how proud we are
bunch of idiots it is there country and they have every right to fly the flag anywhere
pass out flags to the whole school. stand up for America.
Need to fire the school board and the principle. Since they don’t like the American flag deport them to another country. Afghanistan has a nice sound to it. Maybe they will like that flag better.
If they flew an ISIS flag, it would be ok.
That’s about enough about not being allowed to fly the American flag. try that in the South and see how you come out. It’s going to be VERY ugly.
The LAST time I checked County schools were run by the state until the people vote that you cant fly your FLAG,then FLYit PROUDLY.
The people should put up a protest that is what the illegal aliens do and nothing is done to them