Woodruff High School students in Woodruff, SC were forced to remove American flags from their vehicles this past September 11th.
The school principal, Aaron Fulmer, confiscated the flags stating it was against their policy to “draw attention” to one’s vehicle.
Since when is our nation’s flag too obnoxious?
Woodruff, S.C. –7 On Your Side was contacted by several upset parents who say Woodruff High School students were made to take down American flags from their vehicles on September 11.
Spartanburg District 4 Superintendent Rallie Liston said four students arrived at the school Thursday morning with U.S. flags propped up on poles in their pickup truck beds.
The school’s principal, Aaron Fulmer, confiscated the flags because he said it is against district policy to “draw attention” to one’s vehicle.
The flags were returned to the students at the end of the day.
The students were not punished.
Fulmer tells us officials are meeting with student council next week to look into a possible policy revision.
Parents have contacted us to let us know about a protest that is being planned in response to the flag removal. It is set for Monday morning.
A post on Facebook reads, “PLEASE COME OUT MONDAY MORNING AMD STAND UP FOR OUR STUDENTS RIGHTS AND OUR RIGHTS! 7:50 a.m. Sidewalk in front of high school. Bring an American flag with you!!”
This principal should be fired and kicked out of this country forever. He doesn’t care about our country or those who have fought for his freedom and given their all including their lives. He is very ungrateful.
Cut their gov. Funding off
I really think this is a bullcrap site…time to unfollow this
Fire that piece of communist excrement.
this is America I don’t care if someone is offended at our Flag. don’t care if they are really pissed off.
Get rid of the communists at this school. They should not be teaching our children.
What the HELL is going on with you guys in America?
You should be proud of your glag, not ban it!!!
I flew my gasden, rebel, american, and USMC flag on my truck to school whenever I pleased. I was never once told to remove any of them, in CT
Pretty sad when AMERICANS on AMERICAN SOIL cannot display their country’s flag. This is what has happened since Dictator Obama and his libtard/dumocrud/progressive/socialist/communist buddies took control of this country.