Could a conflict of interest be another reason for the cover-up of the rape of a 5-year-old girl by three refugee boys? Are the seven refugees who serve on the Twin Falls police force biased to the refugee boys who perpetrated the crime?
Twin Falls, Idaho is the home of the College of Southern Idaho’s Refugee Program. Since 1983, “the CSIRP has resettled more than 2500 refugees from a variety of different continents. The program has brought millions of federal dollars to the area, benefiting local businesses.”
A cover-up seems to be underway in the Twin Falls Idaho, as the rape of five-year-old girl, at the hands of three young boys, is just now being vaguely mentioned by the local news. The sexual assault occurred on June 2, but was not reported for five days, and within that report, the sterile nature, the ‘scrubbing of vital information” is evident.
It is not a matter of “he said, she said”, as the assault was videoed by the 13-year-old boy and is now in the hands of police. The sick evidence on that phone, grabbed by the little girl’s mom speaks against the perpetrators.
The problem seems to lie in the fact that they boys are underage and Syrian Refugees from the local SCI Refugee Center in Twin Falls. Perhaps the media is covering it up on their own, or maybe, based on the recent events at the Twin Falls City Council meeting, there is pressure to keep the story buried as long as possible.
Perhaps part of the cover-up is because those who are investigating have a personal vested interest in those coming through the Refugee Center and should be taken off the case so justice can be served for the little girl.
Read the rest of the story on the next page.
Refugee are putting American cops out of work. Thanks Obama
Well isn’t that handy.
We will soon have to defend our famikies and iur country in streets.
If we are not willing to fight for our wayvof life we will lose it
Consider this, while we all sit here racially divided by the great divider himself, he is slipping more and more people in that hate everything about America! He’s releasing enemies while we argue racism, and bigotry – this is America, land of opportunity- the greatest country in the world! If you don’t think so, go live in any other country – you’ll find a great appreciation for our way of life. But the great divider knows this: DIVIDED WE FALL — now take a minute from your hate for Trump and and answer this question for me, and keep your children and grandchildren in mind as you do. Can a Muslim Integrate with us?
Theologically – no, because his allegiance is to Allah.
Religiously – no, because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Qur’an 2:256).
Scripturally – no, because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.
Geographically – no, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no, because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically – no, because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) who teach the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of all none Muslim countries, the great Satan.
Domestically – no, because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Qur’an 4:34).
Intellectually – no, because he cannot accept the Western ways since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically – no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist! Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no, because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ we are referring to the Christian’s God and not Allah.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Citizens; they cannot and will not integrate into the great melting pot of any country.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. Muslims everywhere have said they will destroy us from within.”
Hope Twin Falls residents are pleased with what there getting for the money .
Muslims who are following Mu-ham-mad are terrorists??????????????????
How one can become a true Muslim? – 20 Commandments of Muhammad the founder of Islam in Quran:
1. Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Quran 65:4
2. have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Quran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Quran 4:34
4. have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Quran 24:13
5. Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Quran 33:57
6. Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
7. Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Quran 9:111
8. Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Quran 2:217, 4:89
9. Behead non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 47:4
10. Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Quran 9:5
11. Terrorize non-Muslims. Quran 8:12, 8:60
12. Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Quran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Lie to Strengthen Islam. Quran 3:28, 16:106
14. Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Quran 2:216
15. Not take non-Muslims as friends. Quran 5:51
16. Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Quran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Quran 98:6
18. Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Quran 4:101
19. Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Quran 9:29
20. Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Quran 9:29.
For what it is worth, I was contacted by one person who actually purchased a quran. these and the 89 other quotes / commands I have posted are totally 100% accurate.
Murder, robbery kidnapping, RAPE, SLAVERY, pedophilia BOTH little girls and little boys, theft of property, TERRORISM, GENOCIDE, BURNING CHRISTIANS ALIVE, Mass drownings,$#%&!@* female genital mutilation, physical assault on the streets, religious persecution, wife beating and$#%&!@*are just some of the satanic parts of sharia. (islimeic law) It is mandated in the Quran and re stated / enforced by todays muslime clerics. If you or anyone else don’t like it, well then you and anybody else must be beheaded. Look it up. Research what their fearless leaders proclaim. The Islamic State has stated its objective is to establish a global Islamic Caliphate and eradicate all other religions, particularly Christianity, the religion of the “crusaders.” It has engaged in genocidal activities throughout Iraq and Syria against Christians, Yezidis, and other ethnic and religious minorities. This is the new ISLIMEIC cultural diversity.
Lloyd whose side are you on !!! The vast majority of Muslims want us dead !!!