The United States is under attack from without and from within. Neither attack is by traditional, battle field weaponry, but both attacks could bring our nation to its knees.
The battle from without is being conducted via theft of intellectual property, and it is designed to overcome military might and to destroy the economy and bring the civilian population down. The battle from within is conducted by our own government, in this case the Obama administration, as they hollow out our actual military might, both physical and cyber, and cede both wars to our enemies. It could not be more insidious or damaging.
See page 2 for details on the destruction being committed by this administration:
Obama’s plan for the new world Islamic law
This is much more dangerous that an all out battle!!!
any questions?
First: All Followers of Islam have been legally banned from the US since 1952. Demand our laws be enforced! Second: Sometimes history is our best teacher. When you know your enemy’s worst, and in this case, only Fear, your obviously use it against them. Although Brig. Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing has been credited for the event by history, it was actually US Army Col. Alexander Rodgers of the 6th Cavalry who, in 1911, who stopped an Islamic uprising in the Philippines by taking advantage of the theological taboo of the Muslims. Rodgers inaugurated the practice of burying all dead Islamic rebels in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. Islamic religion forbids Muslims to have contact with pork. The tactic Rodgers used on a regular basis was to bury the rebels he executed with pig entrails, which would prevent that Islamist from going to heaven.
Gen. John J. Pershing was in overall command of Rodger’s garrison. There had been scores of Islamic terrorist attacks on the predominantly Catholic Filipino population which the Muslims were attempting to overthrow. Pershing ordered Rodgers to put an end to the killing. Rodgers caught 25 Islamic terrorists are ordered 24 of them to dig their own graves. The 25th was forced to watch. Rodger’s troops brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets with the blood and pig fat.
The terrorists, who had heard horror stories about American soldiers dipping their bullets in pigs’ blood were about to experience their worst nightmare first hand. The terrorists were terrorized. They were going to be contaminated with pig blood. That meant they couldn’t enter Heaven—even if they died as martyrs. Of course, that also meant there would not be 72 virgins waiting for them in hog heaven.
Rodgers ordered the 24—who were forced to dig the mass grave that would be their final resting place—shot. Their bodies were dumped into the mass grave. The 25th terrorist was forced to watch. The pig entrails were unceremoniously poured over the lifeless terrorist corpses. The witness was released and returned to the terrorist camp where he related to his Muslim cohorts what happened to his comrades. What Rodgers did brought an end to Islamic terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years. It should be clear to the world that only terrorism will shake the terrorist. Sometimes you have no choice but to fight fire with fire.
Who Obama?
I stopped reading when they went after the mandatory spending on medicare and social security…. not to change the topic of this article but I am disgusted that they keep claiming that this is part of our spending problem… We the people and our employers have been contributing our own money into that fund since it’s beginning. It is not tax money’s. It is our investment money. Now the fact that Congress seems to think I g is their own personal piggy bank they can take from and never pay back is besides the point. If they have to keep taking tax money to supplement their repayment of those funds is not the fault of us recipients.
Hidden? I think he has been blatantly open about everything he is doing. People are just complacent and think all will be ok when he is gone. NOT
First thing I must say as I said before I don’t like taking verses and just stating them because of what they do to the whole story of a book so keep this in mind. This is for studying anything. It’s like taking bits and peaces out of a conversation and not state all of what one says.
Allah says “don’t weaken, don’t call for peace whilst you have the upper hand. If Muslims are mighty with strength, invincible and numerous in groups let there be no peace” ( TMQ Muhammad 35)
Meaning peace may be accepted but only temporarily until they are secure to win a fight which is the reality of jihad.
Transgressions would arise if a nation was attacked without first calling them to Islam. Muslims are ordained to call their enemies to Islam before fighting against them ( to me that means a fight is inevitable, which is violence and leads to death. A war. Jihad.) If they refuse, Muslims should call them again to pay jizya and submit to the laws of Allah ( which means to me for a price you can pay not to convert ,but only for a short time. I will explain more of this. So pay or convert to Islamic law , which is what- religion and what happens if you don’t fighting ( War ) and war always leads to death.) Jihad is the removal of anything , by force if necessary that stands between people and Islam, by the people of Islam not Allah . ( one difference between the Christians God and the Muslim God. The Christians God says it is his responsibility not the followers.) Jihad is a compulsory action. It is continuous and does not end until everyone is converted or the infidels, non believers are dead and is done by the followers ( Muslims) . The prophet stated “this deen will be never cease to exist. A party of the Muslims shall always fight for it until the hour comes to pass” not meaning Allah taking them to heaven but having control over the world.
Point- if one accepts the Muslim assumption that the true prophet of God ordered attacking Jews and Christians – who Muhammad said had the same God. Does it not seem a little strange that Jesus, the prince of Peace , who never commended anyone to kill anybody, and is claimed to be a prophet also by the Muslims for leaving us the opposite message. ( just saying sounds like a contradiction. Not the same).
Reality- Islamic jihad is the duty of all Muslims. The Quaran ( Koran as you call it) the word jihad is used in three different ways that I know of for sure ( do you agree?) Just from study:
The first and this meaning is rarely used when speaking to Muslims about it. 1. A spiritual battle within yourself.
2. Spreading the word of Islam. Communicating and teaching , but you don’t really see it being done and won’t unless the third happens. They only do it if asked and very little. Unless some are recruiting for a purpose. One purpose is what you have been hearing about that seems to be going on through the internet.
3. Waging war against non Muslims with the sword – meaning death to the nonbeliever. The most seen by people around the world which is evidence of jihad as an offensive hostile aggression. They have done this since the creation of the Islam scripture by Mohammed who was given it by Allah.
The term jihad has been most widely seen as a physical hostile struggle through history. Have you researched it through history and present day?
Did you know that the only countries ruled by Sharia can be considered true “Abodes of Peace”. The ones that are not are considered ” Abodes of War” unless there is a treaty that only last ten years and must be governed by Sharia law (Islamic Law) and the country must pay Jizya.
Have you studied or researched these.
Abode of War – also called house of the west
– countries that are not under Sharia law
– considered unclean and the only way to become clean is to convert.
But however, there is a way for them to tolerate the unclean for only a short period of time and its like I stated before pay Jizya . which is done by treaty. Which can only last up to ten years . When the treaty is up then you’re demanded to convert or fight for your life. I am sure you can try fleeing. But during this time you pay Jizya they seek to bring out control, over powering you ( remember numerous that I stated above), and Enforcement of Sharia Law. It’s happening now in places all over the world in sections of different countries. Some states here are talking about Sharia law trying to be imposed on them. Islam is trying to be taught in our children’s schools. No religion is allowed to be taught in any school unless it’s college. They are trying to get it in there though.
Do you enjoy your freedoms? Of anything? Sharia law is in human . beheading, flogging, stoning, etc. Do you realize what these laws would mean to me as a woman? What about my rights? It’s long , diverse and complicated.
Don’t you think freedom of religion is an excellent thing? It’s actually what the Lord wants. It’s not to make you confused . the Lord doesn’t want you to be.
Now watch this.