The United States is under attack from without and from within. Neither attack is by traditional, battle field weaponry, but both attacks could bring our nation to its knees.
The battle from without is being conducted via theft of intellectual property, and it is designed to overcome military might and to destroy the economy and bring the civilian population down. The battle from within is conducted by our own government, in this case the Obama administration, as they hollow out our actual military might, both physical and cyber, and cede both wars to our enemies. It could not be more insidious or damaging.
See page 2 for details on the destruction being committed by this administration:
Obama and the democrats
Not really well hidden. The liberal, sjw’s want all the horrible policies he’s put in place.
Frightening !!
Sad but we know
fucking moslemsare running the country cause fucking idiot put them in charge and the Dem.and Rep. let him do it to become a communist country.
And Obama is helping them too.
s**t,wrong.remember pre ww2 we amassed greatly .boys n Pentagon n defense contractor go hand n of course they would ask for trillions for defense. USA military is a force to f with.China n Russia both know this.also USA uses other strategies other than firepower to attack enemies. Also biggest ace up U.S. military sleeves is to make our enemies think we are hurting so to draw them into attack or think we are vurnable.why else does china,russia,north Korea march all three military hardware on huge display parades?they showing off there military .does U.S. show off?no.china damn hurting more y’all think.they say there gdp good n economy good but they are lie in through there teeth.also china doesnt have the food to go to war cause they only produce 10 percent of there own when l)))
ISLAM and MUSLIMS! Islam has threatened openly to takeover America and they believe noone can stop them. The muzzies started infiltrating several decades ago and are just now beginning to “demand this and demand that” and are making their move from within out country! Armed forces should wipe out ISIS and Islam and our government (with help from the National Guard and the local law enforcement) should wipe out the muzzies; first searching their mosques – take position of guns and ammo – empty the “cells” and arrest all the known jihadis – burn the mosques to the ground and deport all remaining muzzies! After cleansing our country, and have created a totally secure vetting procedures for immigrants we might entertain the thought of letting foreigners into our country again. They will be fingerprinted, photographed, and dna samples taken! When visas expire they will be quickly picked up and sent back to their countries!