When complaints are made about media bias, the source of that bias is typically inferred to be the political proclivities of those making up the mainstream media — a bias that is consistently from the left. Liberal journalists are either hired into or hatched within major media outlets to create the desired liberal slant on the news.
Clearly, prospective journalists are aware of all of this. If their loyalties are not already to the left of center, they can figure out that they had better get themselves aligned that way if they wish to get ahead in major media.
What many don’t often consider is the possibility of government intelligence services using compliant media members to manipulate the news that the public consumes. More on page two.
Yeh right?
This is questionable It needs to be looked into as well as all the others that have had so called heart attacks etc without reason
Unbelievable. Sad to say that the corruption appears to be so prevalent at many layers of government.
Could that story be true.???
He was murdered
Something that conservitives have known for a.long time why do you think kennedy wanted the CIA shut down
The heart attack gun strikes again?
‘Heart Attack’ ????
Clinton heart attack gun strikes again!!
A supporter of President Trump has been charged with criminal mischief and breach of the peace after he littered an elementary school playground with anti-Trump graffiti in a “false flag” effort to discredit liberals.
Steven Marks, 32, rode his bicycle to the Morley Elementary School on the night of June 15 and scrawled anti-Trump graffiti on benches, playground equipment and other areas of the school.
Responding officers say the graffiti, apparently scrawled with a green permanent marker, was vulgar in nature.
Marks allegedly wrote “Kill Trump,” “Left is the best,” “Bernie Sanders 2020” and “Death to Trump” on the playground equipment.
Police released surveillance footage to the public which clearly showed a balding white male wearing a Red Sox t-shirt and khaki shorts riding a bicycle onto the school property.
The suspect contacted police and arranged to turn himself in after seeing the surveillance footage on the local TV news.
The Hartford Courant reported that Marks told investigators he “had the dumb idea to vandalize the school with what would seem to be liberal hate speech” and was done “out of anger towards liberals and they are breaking major laws every day and being disrespectful towards our government.”
Steven Marks, 32, the suspected Morley School vandal said,
“On the record. I want to say I’m sorry,” Marks told The Courant in an interview. “It was a stupid decision. I hope nobody wants to do the same because it’s wrong.”
Marks was released on $500 bail and Judge Tammy Geathers continued the case until August, 2nd.