When complaints are made about media bias, the source of that bias is typically inferred to be the political proclivities of those making up the mainstream media — a bias that is consistently from the left. Liberal journalists are either hired into or hatched within major media outlets to create the desired liberal slant on the news.
Clearly, prospective journalists are aware of all of this. If their loyalties are not already to the left of center, they can figure out that they had better get themselves aligned that way if they wish to get ahead in major media.
What many don’t often consider is the possibility of government intelligence services using compliant media members to manipulate the news that the public consumes. More on page two.
Killary strikes again!!
There are people around the country who’s job it is to microwave directly at persons.
Well here we go again. Any person that reveals or searches for the truth turns up dead.
Coincidental? I think not!
A concentrated extract of nicotine can be used to cause a heart attack also Corner reports can be falsified.
No surprises!!!
There needs to be an optopsie done and investigated. To many deaths on anyone that is about to expose crimes
Not at all difficult to believe. Qui Bono? Or to turn it around, who has the most to lose? The Deep State? This man said that the CIA was promoting a war with Russia. I know that PUTIN is ruthless, but in all of Europe, what nation is promoting Christianity, blocking the homosexual agenda and pushing back against Globalism? Russia.
Another one down..
And then his brother .