Hillary Clinton’s email woes just returned with a vengeance as FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI was reopening its case into potential criminal activity by Clinton. And just when she thought that was all in the past and she could move on…
Met with great angst and fury by Hillary and her supporters, and equal pleasure by her opponents including the Trump campaign, the revelation of a renewed investigation by the FBI raises the natural question of what happens if Hilary is indicted or otherwise is forced to step down as the Democratic candidate for president.
For that discussion, turn to page two.
Maybe she will have another clinton crime family sucide
Except, Dir. Comey never said the bureau was reopening Clinton’s case, …. at least not yet!
The girl already filed one case against Trump for rape and it was thrown out. This is being filed by a Lawyer who is a Democrat and loves the spotlight.
Nothing at all will happen. Our current Clown-in-Chief will pardon her.
More darts everyone! Get the Jew installed Islamo-Jew Boogie men out of the government. Here comes Trump!!!! Send them all back to Boogieland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDdhg8CyeUo
March of the Wooden Soldiers: We were warned a long time ago! http://www.thechristiansolution.com/doc2014/615_Amina.html
Muhammad the Jew
THECHRISTIANSOLUTION.COM http://www.thechristiansolution.com/doc2014/615_Amina.html
Linda M Slensker Trump said some nasty words. Hillary had people murdered. And you want Hillary Manson as our president. You’ve been smoking too much crack.
I truly hope that people don’t believe the information posted on this and similar websites.
Gregory C Smith I Googled your name and it says you’re a child molester. Fucking pervert. Now I know why you love Hillary the Killer so much.