Hillary Clinton’s email woes just returned with a vengeance as FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI was reopening its case into potential criminal activity by Clinton. And just when she thought that was all in the past and she could move on…
Met with great angst and fury by Hillary and her supporters, and equal pleasure by her opponents including the Trump campaign, the revelation of a renewed investigation by the FBI raises the natural question of what happens if Hilary is indicted or otherwise is forced to step down as the Democratic candidate for president.
For that discussion, turn to page two.
Has he been found guilty? That is ya’ll favorite line for Hilary’s defense? Has he been found guilty of the ONE thing you may have on him? Has she been found guilty on the 20 mountainous scandals on her? I was the BIGGESt Hilary supporter for decades. I am not so blinded my values to ignore her crimes.
Get her nailed down before she takes office!
So, you folks think Hillary’s emails are more important than Trump’s tax fraud and sexual assaults? Get a grip.
No we think HILLARYS CRIMINAL Corrupt Activities are more important than Trump or Bill CLINTONs sexual c**p
He’s been audited for what, the last 15 years? You think if there was fraud or mistakes there, it’d still be a mystery? They’d have tore him apart like they did to Willie Nelson and other celebrities before him.
Tell me what she might do is not so, PLEASE!
If she wins and is found guilty after the election she could pardon herself.
hoping she doesn’t get away with this…her supporters must be blind
What happens when Trump gets hauled into court for the ACTUAL cases he is already involved with?
Kaine will be the pres. what a clown he is, hope all the demo’s will be happy with their choice
She needs to be indicted…FAST!!! Nov. 8th is coming on like gangbusters!!