Hillary Clinton’s email woes just returned with a vengeance as FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI was reopening its case into potential criminal activity by Clinton. And just when she thought that was all in the past and she could move on…
Met with great angst and fury by Hillary and her supporters, and equal pleasure by her opponents including the Trump campaign, the revelation of a renewed investigation by the FBI raises the natural question of what happens if Hilary is indicted or otherwise is forced to step down as the Democratic candidate for president.
For that discussion, turn to page two.
First of all we should stop asking stupid questions. Hillary Clinton will never step down and the investigation will not be concluded and indictments handed down before the election. Regardless of who you support, please try living in the real world.
Let’s hope trump wins huge as we would have Kaine as president .
Comey should not be involved in the investigation thou as he is a member of the Clinton Foundation board of Directors !
hope the$#%&!@*go’s to JAIL
she does not have any worrys,Private Attorneys will handle all of her defense,probably will not be ordered to any court rooms either.
She WILL NOT be indicted, but she mu usst NOT be elected. Heaven us, she will start out really PO’d
Nixon only erased 18 minutes of tape.mot 33,000 e-mails and Nixon did not have a Congressional Subpoena, before he erased the tape, which is obstruction of justice..our Congress should have called a special prosecutor, in July after Comey blew it and they realized Loretta was corrupt, the meeting on the tar mac should have gotten Loretta disbarred, and brought up before Congress for Federal Ethics violations, and Hillary would be on her way to jail by now and this would not be an issue…Impeach Obama, Disbar Loretta, Jail Hillary ..Democracy saved…
Jack Ellis Of course the taxpayers will be on the hook for her defense. for years and years..If Comey had done his job in July she would be wearing an orange jumpsuit.and none of this would be an issue..Loretta needs to be disbarred and fired..Obama needs to be Impeached, and then Congress needs to Impeach themselves..
Just vote Trump, and we won’t have to worry about it