Whenever someone mentions the New World Order, suspicions are aroused and assumptions are made regarding that person’s mental state. The problem with that analysis is that the term “New World Order” is used by such luminaries as George H. W. Bush, Joe Biden, and Henry Kissinger to mention just a few. Other international power-brokers may or may not use that specific term, but they use words that mean essentially the same thing. And it’s their goals that are of concern, not whatever term they happen to use when referring to them.
You can trace the thinking behind a New World Order, or what that term describes, back as far in history as you wish to go. A powerful global government established and run by incredibly wealthy elites is not a new idea. We just find it surfacing with more or less apparent vigor as time goes by.
Let’s see what Mr. Kissinger had to say about this on the next page:
The world is so corrupt, Elgonda, we have to pray and trust in Jesus…God wins in the end and we will be with Him for all eternity.
Read the book Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper. Explains a lot . It’s a eye opener.
They have been at this for a long time. Biggest deterrent is OUR GUNS……NEVER GIVE THEM UP. The world depends on it.
Screw new world order!
Our world order is kick muslims out
He’s nwo bastard too
Gabriele Heidemann scary and most Americans seem not to understand that Obama, Hillary, Billy bob, Geo. Bush (both) are part of it along with Geo. Soros and his gang of thief’s
All you old men will be dead and it won’t come to fruition you u elites need to go live on another planet !
The New world order is of Satan
Vickie Adair