Whenever someone mentions the New World Order, suspicions are aroused and assumptions are made regarding that person’s mental state. The problem with that analysis is that the term “New World Order” is used by such luminaries as George H. W. Bush, Joe Biden, and Henry Kissinger to mention just a few. Other international power-brokers may or may not use that specific term, but they use words that mean essentially the same thing. And it’s their goals that are of concern, not whatever term they happen to use when referring to them.
You can trace the thinking behind a New World Order, or what that term describes, back as far in history as you wish to go. A powerful global government established and run by incredibly wealthy elites is not a new idea. We just find it surfacing with more or less apparent vigor as time goes by.
Let’s see what Mr. Kissinger had to say about this on the next page:
How is it that all these fat old elites live such long life’s? They must have the antidotes to all the diseases they create!
We do not need a new world order. We need to abide by our Constitution and return to moral values. We have incredible freedoms that no other country possess and the results of the last election is evidence that Americans do not want to be controlled by the Government. Stop with this sick push for new work order. Americans do not want any part of a new word order. Ask Germany how that worked out for them.
Even Obama said we would have to give up some freedpms..well I’m not giving up freedom or my constitution for a New World Order!.
They try to convince us that sustainable development is in our best interest. It is described as Utopia. But they don’t tell you that there will be no freedom. We basically would be ruled by elites. We would be chipped so they could manipulate and control our every move. Their Utopia, our dystopia.
Another Hanoi Jane globalist
The Bush’s are part of the bilderbergs deep state elites establishment secret society for globalism of the ILLUMINATI. Prescott Bush was sent to AMERICA by the elites establishment to work for them. He was doing a great job for the ILLUMINATI that he became the head honcho of the republican party and the Democrat party. He works for both Republican and Democrat Party. When JFK became President, he can’t be bought. When the Pope asked him if he will side with the Vatican or the constitution, President Kennedy says the constitution. He became the target of the ELITES establishment. It was time to do away with Kennedy. The elite society told Prescott ” it’s time for your son to show what he can do. George H W Bush was then the head of the FBI. The assassination of President Kennedy was an inside job. The 9/11 was also an inside job under the younger brother George W Bush. And now Obama failed, Hillary failed, the Deomcrats failed. Everything the elites did to discredit President TRUMP, all failed. They are no match for “THE DONALD. So now the elites goes to the Bush’s for the answer. You see the Bush’s are the head honcho of the ELITES in the US of AMERICA. And they are failing miserably. This is a GOD THING! The ruling elites are no match for “THE DONALD”. PRESIDENT TRUMP was appointed by GOD for such a time as these to “DRAIN THE SWAMP”. If people will just search it out, you will realize that the Republicans and Democrats are all ready to ruin America into a third world country. GOD is giving America for a REVIVAL. On u-tube search out JFK to 9/11 everything is a rich man trick by Francis Richard Connolly. ….deep state 50 year old recording explains why by end times production. …..Islamic and Roman Catholic connection by Professor WALTER J Veith. ….. bilderberg deep state elites establishment secret society for globalism of the ILLUMINATI.
Henry Kissinger has always pushed for the New World Order (or One World Order). We should never give our sovereignty away.